The Cosmos Rocks


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The Cosmos Rocks
The Cosmos Rocks, 2008
Released 15 September 2008 (Europe) / 14 October 2008 (North America)
Length mm:ss
Label unknown
Producer(s) unknown
Queen + Paul Rodgers chronology
Return Of The Champions
The Cosmos Rocks


Release Dates

  • Europe - September 15th 2008
  • North America - October 14th 2008

General Album Information

  • According to Brian May the album cover will be revealed soon and is not like anything that anybody is expecting.
  • The album went for mastering on August 1st, 2008.
  • The official Queen myspace page has confirmed that the album will be called The Cosmos Rocks (now also confirmed by Brian May on his soapbox.
  • The QOL Special Edition of the album MAY possibly contain a bonus DVD and possibly the track Runaway.
  • A radio advertisment for the tour has been broadcast in the UK featuring a snippet of a song that contains the lyrics "We got the cosmos rocking, We got the cosmos rocking"
  • The cover shown is unconfirmed, though the final version is likely to be similar (or based on) this design.
  • C-lebrity has been announced as the first single, and will be played on the following radio stations:
Radio 2 - Ken Bruce Show, Monday 4 August, between 9:30am and noon;
Virgin Radio - Monday 4 August, from noon onwards.

Known songs


  • Say It's Not True (Queen Press Release)
  • C-lebrity (Queen Press Release)
  • The Whole House Rocking (Queenonline)
  • Call Me (Classic Rock Magazine - written by Paul)
  • We Believe (Classic Rock Magazine - written by Paul)
  • Runaway (Queenonline - cover of Del Shannon's 1961 single. This track will NOT feature on the album, but will be used for future promotion for the album.)


Probable credits

  • Musicians:
Paul Rodgers - vocals, guitar, bass guitar, piano, keyboards
Brian May - vocals, guitars, bass guitar, piano, keyboards
Roger Taylor - vocals, drums, percussion, guitars, bass guitar, keyboards
other potential musicians unknown


  • NA


The following social networking sites have been set up for this album:

Liner notes

  • Not Available


Say It's Not True, 2007
C-lebrity, 2008

Queen + Paul Rodgers Talks

Brian May, 2008 Classic Rock Magazine

"Our working title has been The Cosmos Rocks. Because it's such a fun album, we'll probably end up going with that."

Roger Taylor, 2008 Classic Rock Magazine

"In fact, this is probably the most rocking album Queen has made so far, though there are also some beautiful, laid-back blues moments."

Roger Taylor, 2008 Classic Rock Magazine

"Whoever had a song on the day, that's what we recorded. Paul works in a completely different way to us. Brian and I go to incredible lengths to get things right. He'd never met two pickier, fussier individuals. We even ended up teaching him how to sing harmony vocals, which he'd never done before, but we learned from his spontaneity."

Roger Taylor, Brian May, and Paul Rodgers, 2008 Classic Rock Magazine

Will these new songs still sound like Queen on the radio?

Roger: "Very much so. Of course it's not Queen with Freddie Mercury, but everybody knows that. To make music again with Freddie would've been a bit tricky... but Paul gives us a wonderful blues edge."

Brian: "Yes, it rocks more than you might expect but it also has a lot of joy. There are lots of little conversations going on in the music, which is something rare in these increasingly calculated days."

Paul: "Experiencing the creation of those beautiful, block harmonies of theirs was incredible but sometimes I picked up an acoustic [guitar] and we would just jam, so there's also moments of delightful intimacy."

Roger Taylor, 2008 Classic Rock Magazine

"I do a bit of [singing]. Brian and I sing on the album and we will be heard, but it's so hard to top Paul."

Roger Taylor, 2008 Classic Rock Magazine

"[The album was recorded] at my own studio, somewhere in the depths of Surrey. Everything you hear was put down live, in the old-fashioned way."

Roger Taylor, 2008 Classic Rock Magazine

Roger's response to a question asking if John had been asked to contribute to the album

"John's welcome but if you call him, you don't always get an answer. Nobody knows where he is or what he's doing. He doesn't really like people. He sent a message when our musical We Will Rock You launched in the West End saying that he approved of everything we were doing."

Roger Taylor, 2008 Classic Rock Magazine

"We know some people will moan, 'Oh, Fred's not on it...' Of course he's not, you dickhead. If they want to know why we're bothering to do this, it's because we're still alive. It's quite simple. If they don't like it, just don't buy the record or come to the show."

Roger Taylor and Brian May, 2008 Classic Rock Magazine

Roger: "I hope [it is heavily scrutinized]; the worst thing on earth would be for it to come out with a whimper. For me, it's very important to prove that we are still a creative entity. We're a working band with something to offer, not just the old hits."

Brian: "I'm okay with the levels of expectation. That's life. We're confident that what we're planning to put in front of people is good enough."


  • None


  • Not Available